Enhancing Blended Learning in Elementary Education Through ePortfolios
As technology increasingly shapes education, tools like interactive apps and digital resources are transforming traditional teaching methods. Blended learning, which combines in-person instruction with online learning, offers a dynamic, personalized approach to education. Among the innovations in this space, ePortfolios stand out as a powerful tool to enhance student engagement and reflection. By allowing students to curate a digital collection of their work, ePortfolios enable them to track progress, reflect on achievements, and take ownership of their learning. This process not only boosts engagement but also helps students understand and manage their academic growth, addressing challenges like motivation that many teachers face.
In a blended learning environment, ePortfolios serve as a key tool for fostering personalized learning. They allow students to reflect on their progress and learning strategies, making the learning process more flexible and self-directed. By providing real-time feedback, ePortfolios help both students and teachers stay engaged and connected throughout the learning journey. They also allow students to develop essential skills like goal-setting, self-regulation, and critical thinking. As digital literacy becomes increasingly important, ePortfolios prepare students for future learning environments and professional settings. Ultimately, the integration of ePortfolios in blended learning creates a more engaging, reflective, and student-centered educational experience, empowering students to become lifelong learners.
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